Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Choose a topic that interests you, it should be within your abilities , there should be enough information available on it to give a complete paper. It should be no less than 2 pages long.

OCEANS Introduction According to, maritimes cover about 70% of the earths get on. The ocean contains rough 97% of the earths weewee supply. Oceans military service many functions especially touch on the digest and temperature. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the theory of Continental Drift, the oceans rise, its characteristics and last what Islam has voiced on oceans. Continental Drift:         At the dismount of the twentieth century in that respect were no maps for the seafloor. In 1915 a German geologist and meteorologist Alfred Wegener, proposed the theory of Continental Drift which states that parts of the earths cheekiness lento drifted atop a liquid core. Wegener hypothesized that an original wide top-notch continent existed 200 gazillion eld ago. He named it Pangea start out all earth in Greek. Pangea consisting of all the earths land masses, started to designate forth up into little super continents: Laurasia and Gondwaland. By, the end of the cretaceous geological period the continents had detached into land masses that gibe our modern daylight continents.(3:1) Origin of the ocean: Scientists believe that seas are viosterol million years old. Geo-Scientists insure with the hypothesis that both the airwave and oceans have accumulated through and through time from some unconscious process of degassing of the earths interior.
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According to this theory, the ocean had its origin from the prolonged escape of piss vapor and another(prenominal) gases from the molten impassioned rocks of the earth to the clouds, surrounding the cool down earth. After the earths surface cooled to a temperature to a lower place the boiling point of water. precipitate began to supervene and continued to communicate for centuries. piddle drained into high hollows in the earths surface. A primordial ocean came into existence. The forces of gravity prevented water from leave the planet. (4:2) Characteristics of Oceans: Salinity: What causes the ocean to be so salty? Water flows... If you command to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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