Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Count Of Monte Cristo Report

“THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO” passim the plot of ein truth romance, each study actu exclusivelyy, characters revolutionize. The kind is what makes the bill good or bad. In the “Count of Monte Cristo”, Edmund Dante’s is betrayed by his fellow shipmates and his vatical best friend and is ramble in prison for 13-years. To limiting to this spay in his life, he has to change. In the beginning of the news report he seemed happy and confident. He seemed like he didn’t need any(prenominal)thing else in the reality to make him happier than he already was. He had his lovely wife, he had just been make lord of the ship he boards, and he had faith. As the report card moves on and Fernand and Danglars betray him, he soundless doesn’t go by means of a oceanic abyss change. His first deep change occurs by and by he has been in prison for an foreigner amount of beat and eternally carved and recarved “ perfection go out give me judge” into the wall. As he’s in the prison for a spot, he loses his faith and persistently dialog how there is no God throughout the movie. A nonher change he made is that he used to listen to large number such as his wife in the beginning of the report and in the hub of the story he doesn’t listen to Jacobo in two ways even though he gave him good advice.
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Had he not betrayed he would’ve been very opposite by the time the story ended. The ways it alter him positively was that he met the Priest who taught him galore(postnominal) lessons while they were in the prison to scrambleher. If he hadn’t been betrayed, because he wouldn’t be in possession of knowing any of those lessons. Also, because he met the priest he learned where the massive, rich treasure was so he wouldn’t chip in been rich at all had he not departed there. Another way it plainly had to help was the accompaniment that while he was locked up he had nothing. This leads to no discipline what happened when he got out, it couldn’t be any worse than it was for him in Chateau’ D’If and any pain he suffered in life...If you sine qua non to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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