Sunday, September 15, 2013


Exam: 986814RR - YOUR TOTAL ACHIE 1. The justly spelled news is A. superintendant. B. procede. C. arguement. D. coolly. 2. A timeworn statement is called a(an) A. eulogy. B. anodyne. C. platitude. D. euphony. 3. Which of the following is spelled correctly? A. accommodate B. coroborate C. tyranize D. dilletante 4. An acute looking at of homesickness is A. euphemism. B. nostalgia. C. badinage. D. cacophony. 5. Which word is spelled correctly? A. Privilege B. Judgemant C. Suddeness D. Supprise 6. The correctly spelled word is A. wierd. B. ridiculous. C. redundent. D. dissappear. 7. Selena, who moves with the embellish and fluid motions of a cat, has been described as A. equine. B. ursine. C. feline. D. porcine. 8. Which of the following is spelled correctly? A. Embarrassment B. Embarrasment C. Embarassment D. Emmbarassment 9. Which of the following is spelled correctly? A. Suprize B. Supprise C. Surprise D. Suprise 10. much utilize to politicians, the term _______ suggests hiding ones feelings while obscuring or spinning facts. A. feign B. vacillate C. dissemble D. dissimulate 11. A person who raises her eyebrows in distain or contempt may be described as A. supercilious. B. querulous. C. dolorous. D. obstreperous. 12. Another word for a verbal bromide is a A. seltzer. B.
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conceit. C. euphemism. D. cliché. 13. Which word is spelled correctly? A. supersede B. superceed C. superseed D. supersead 14. Which of the following is spelled correctly? A. Noticeble B. perceptible C. Noticable D. Noticible 15. Which suffix or prefix is pejorative? A. ion B. ate C. dis D. ad 16. The correctly spel led word is A. analize. B. sieze. C. drun! keness. D. ukulele. 17. A procession of persons on ahorse is a A. cavalier. B. cavalry. C. cavalcade. D. chivalry. 18. To _______ a patients pain is to proffer some fugitive relief. A. intimate B. alleviate C. levitate D. elevate 19. Which word is...If you necessitate to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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