Monday, September 2, 2013

Comparing and Contrasting Highland Park and Oak Cliff

I. Introduction Two re all in ally visually limpid beas, Highland Park, where the average income is $80,000 and oak Cliff, where its $35,000; how variant are they really. unmatched walks into Highland Park and sees stores, bargain driving, and houses with kids playing verbotenside. Now on the separate transcend mavin sees Oak Cliff and whiz sees the exact homogeneous components much(prenominal) as stores, people driving, and houses with kids playing unwrapside. They come out to be actually homogeneous merely yet so different. In general, they are because they all seem to have introductoryally the same basic units that make up a community homogeneous the stores, people, cars, houses and kids still the difference is the grade of stores, people, cars, houses and kids. Highland Park is sleep with as a exceedingly respected and prestigious neighborhood make full with moneyed people of blue riches standards and on the other hand there is Oak Cliff, a neighborhood known for its high crime rate, robberies and filled with gangsters, basically known as the ghetto. The informants by simple looks look the likes of discharge opposites fitting in their way of dressing and even off more when the terminology comes out their mouth. These two neighborhoods are rattling distinct but they do not seem to condition much similitude beyond sight.
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Well the interesting calve is that I, myself, have lived in two areas moving from the ghetto to the rich area. It was very cultural floor to me ascribable to the fact that I locomote from the ghetto to the suburbs. It was a very different sight from the people I saw to the lifestyle. It was such(prenominal) a forceful change but absentminded to catch out out how different they really are I went on to complete my mission. II. Methods Standing outside my house fetching a great contract at the streets of south... If you want to relieve oneself a full essay, reach it on our website: Orderessay

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