Thursday, September 26, 2013


Twenty raft have been executed in the capital of Oregon hexery hunt since 1692. Many girls scream in the court as if they are controlled by witches who work for the rile. In fact, there is no witchcraft in the world. To fulfill their own aims, people shoot down others of beingness witches.         Abigail, who is the niece of Reverend Parris, is one of the girls who scream in the court. And she is the trouble realiser of this event.To achieve her purpose, she accuses a lot of people of being witches. Abigail is a vindictive, gossiping girl, and she loves ass Proctor who has already married. She hates Elizabeth, who is the wife of hindquarters Proctor, so she dancs in the forest to curse Elizabeth, in make up to take her place. She is seen by someone, when she is dancing. In articulate to unhorse from punishment, she shallow principal the girls to accuse others of being witches. They pretend to be controlled by devil and begin to exhibit strange be havior, such as blue(a) screaming, convulsive seizures, trance-like states and mysterious spells. In order to eliminate Elizabeth, Abigail frames her as a witch to recapture John. She succeeds in the accusation with the help of her uncle, Mr. Parris.         Mr. Parris is a paranoid and foolish minister in Salem. He is a widower with no interest in children. besides the girls and John, he is the only person who knows that the trails are a dupery and that the girls are lying. Parris instigates villagers to believe that devil make the girls behave strangely. By doing this instigation, he can save his reputation and protect his female child from punishment. He also denounces wholly challenges to the court as challenges to fop ideal and himself, and he pushes against witchcraft to suit his lying ends.         In this witchcraft hunt, there are two more beneficiaries, Mr. and Mrs. Putnam. Mr.

Putnam is a homosexual with many grievances and a vindictive nature. In order to deject more land and eliminate many people whom against them, Putnams denounces others as witches. Putmans do not know the truth, but they are demagogues in the hunt.         It is clear that people fabricates witchcraft to fulfill their aims. Abigail accuses others of being witches to escape from punishment and take place of Elizabeth; Parris admittes that the devil make the girls spring to save his own reputation and to protect his miss; Putnams exploite the witch hunt to eliminate someone. As a field of fact, all the witchcraft, witches and devil are artificial facts. Reliance on apparitional and intangible evidence should not be allowed in trails. If you essential to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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