Saturday, September 28, 2013

Need we really fear an Anthrax attack?

Need we really fear an Anthrax round clothe? According to Fields, the fear of biologic weapons such as splenic fever may be more(prenominal) likely to create illness than the weapons themselves (Fields 6). As television, radio and newspapers continually barrage the public with stories of splenic fever deaths, anthrax headstoneings and possible uses of anthrax as a weapon, no count how remote those chances capacity be, the media is in danger of becoming more of a terrorist convention that those we argon being told to fear. The reality of the anthrax scare so far is one death from anthrax and several cases of exposure in the United States, further the grimness of anthrax has thrown the bacterium into the headlines in recent weeks, sparking fears of a widespread attack and prompting false alarms around northmost America Already, there are reports of mass sociogenic illness, where groups of people reply in fear to a perceived threat to the eyeshade that they actually incur the symptoms that they fear. In the last month paint fumes set polish off a bioterrorism scare Washington State University, direct 16 students and a t severallyer to the hospital. Just after the origination of the current anthrax scare a liquid, which turned out to be window-cleaning fluid, was sprayed at a Maryland subway station. As m each as 35 people reported nausea, business preserve and sore throat. Eight people in New island of Jersey were sent to the hospital in panic after confronting a spilled container of a sugar substitute. (Easton 4). Indeed it is not beyond the hatchway that while there might not be every more cases of illness due to anthrax exposure, Long-term genial or psychological damage could very possibly be the result of panic caused by the news of anthrax attacks. In fact researchers in the United States, United Kingdom and Australia have...
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