Monday, September 23, 2013

The Vatican

Esra Al The Vaticans Quest for Power Power would see to be the turnaround of what a religious organization c atomic number 18s rough. After all, the great devotions are for the most part concerned about the life hereafter and the saviorian religion in particular has condemned all the qualities associated with power, calling them the septette sulphurous sins. In the beginning, Christianity introduced a revolutionary egalitarianism into the world, a strain of socialism in which all men and women were considered equal. In fact, Armstrong claims that rescuer did not want a priesthood because a hieratical hierarchy was too reminiscent of Judaism and paganism (10) which the betimes Christians cute to retire from behind. Soon, however, the newly established Catholic church service manufacture itself competing against other religions, including the powerful goddess religions (Kitzinger 3) which were based on the creative and best(p) power of women. In say to grow, the Church had to first hum off away those womens power; and, because they believed that all women had peculiar(a) and alarming powers, they developed a misogynous creed that strip women of the rest and respect they had earned, and had been given by Jesus Christ and his followers.
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Thus, early church fathers excluded women from society to destroy power of goddesses and to arrive at a patriarchal society (Armstrong 9). Also, the church fathers got a fall out to ameliorate and to protect their self-esteem by externalizing every blames onto women (Sanity, 123). As a result of this discrimination, women have been subordinated and persecuted, even tortured and killed, as they were duri ng the glamour hunts of 1450-1750, by male-! dominated society because the church fathers cynically apply misogynism as a way of consolidating their power. As I exit argue, ever since the Church established itself in Europe, it has cared about null but power; and women were and remain the greatest flagellum to the Churchs quest. Many people believe that Catholic priests relish every human...If you want to get a just essay, order it on our website:

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