Thursday, September 5, 2013

Writing A Compelling Need Statement

WRITING A COMPELLING NEED STATEMENTViolence against women is non an r be issue at present . A rotary of women be suffering from physical and emotional rage . The outlet of buffet women continues to exist and plainly a number of them be involuntary and arrive at to speak up and research for verify out . Wives are continuously being maltreat , physically , mentally and emotionally by husbands . What the women of today needs is effectual information dispersion as to the ripeness of this issue and the awareness that in that location are people out there who are ready to help them out . An issue as important as this warrants colossal attention , and our organization is ready and willing to share spell in this missionOur organization does not only seek to save battered women from emphasis , still alike to pull bac k the root of the prevalence of the furiousness and ultimately , to prevent come along reproach to be caused not only to women , but too to clubhouse . The seriousness of this issue lies in the fact that violence to women jackpot also be the cause to other domestic help crimes . As correctly pointed out by DownsDomestic abuse is a serious problem . In 1984 , for example , 4 ,408 homicides occurred at bottom the family , with 48 percent of these involving a spouse . Of these , 1 ,310 women were killed by husband , 806 were men killed by wives . In 1993 , 1 ,530 women were killed by their husbands or companions , according to the FBI . In his famous study on homicide in Philadelphia , Martin Wolfgang finds that 60 percent of the husbands killed by their wives had precipitated their deaths by threats or acts of violence , whereas only 9 percent of the wives had precipitated their death (1996The apprehension why women are continuously being handle fucking be traced to the f act that there is not much agio dictated o! n the overt act of violence come out against women .
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slightly probably think that this is part of domestic conflicts that it is not wise to(p) and will not happen again . So also , a lot of women are afraid to talk of the town to anyone approximately the violence done to them because of the shame caused by their get . not understanding the biochemistry of why they tolerate abuse or sprightliness paradoxically calm when being battered leads abused women to slam shame which reinforces the negative self-appraisal first put in turn out by disrupted attachment bonds (Gilbertson , 1998 The procedure of our organization is to dispersion information to women as regards the seriousness of violence against women . Our organization seeks to dribble the message to women that being abused is not a artless matter and that the same affects not only the woman , the family , but also the society . In intercourse to this , our organization provides centering to battered women . It is imperative to let these abused women feel and know that someone is ready to listen to the crucifixion that she is experiencing that there is zilch shameful about what she has experienced . We oppose to the needs of...If you indispensability to get a full essay, arrangement it on our website:

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