Thursday, November 28, 2013

A proposed method to boost sales by designing a website that would allow buying and selling of products

Internet Communication Systems Inc (ICOMS) is a ironware re handleer that provides networking equipment to sm wholly trading, large corporations and kinsperson users. In the past, ICOMS has relied on already completed stage business for gross revenue of networking equipment. As new computer hardware resellers emerge, the competition for customers is very great. With and 5 offices nationwide, ICOMS is finding it hard to fascinate new customers and clients. one and only(a) huge disadvantage that ICOMS has is that other hardware resellers have a website that customers can buy or sell networking equipment without ever passing their offices. This not only saves them on the disk overhead for locations, it also provides them with a huge market base- the internet. In raise for ICOMS to survive in this race, I send word that ICOMS design a website that would allow customers to view all of ICOMS store inventory and be able to order either product. I have looked at other websites of similar companies and I concluded that they all ply customers the skill to buy products. To spread out ICOMS an edge, I propose that the website be designed to integrate buying, selling, pass and customization of existing products by customers and the ability to make requests for special orders.
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Although it may be expensive, I think it can be considered a worthwhile business expense that is necessary to ensure the futurity of the caller-out. 1 The necessarily of the situation; a. To build a website that will offer customers the ability to buy and sell networking equipment 2. Objective a. To boost company gross sales by providing a new strategy that will hold the company an edge against the competition b. Get new cli! entele 3. Assumption a. The cost of this proposed nominate is high and it is my assumption that the company has enough money to go across on... If you want to nettle a full essay, order it on our website:

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