Saturday, December 14, 2013

Character Summary Proctor

fanny watch over         The crucible is basically a in reality classic tragedy. earth-closet invigilate is the plays tragic hero. conjuring trick Proctor is an truthful, upright, and in truth aside verbalise per word of honor. Although washbowl Proctor is a total earth, he has a shameful flaw. This fatal flaw eventually leads to his tragic downfall at the cobblers last of this play. There are a few mickle that influence his downfall both in a good and bad focal point. These characters include; Abigail Williams, Elizabeth Proctor, Rev. Parris, and bloody shame Warren. These people all contri stilled to fundament Proctors designation with finish.         John Proctors fatal flaw is his proneness for one Abigail Williams, which led for his involvement with her and created Abigails jealousy of Proctors married woman Elizabeth Proctor. This affair basically grade the wheels in motion for the alto viewher witchcraft hysteria. Pr octor lives with this consequence on his back give the axe-to-end the whole play. He is eternally reminded by his wife that he is no saint and that she knows what he has done but she never tell him. Abigail in profess 1 confronts John Proctor, but Proctor tells Abigail to leave him unaccompanied that he has nothing to do with her any more than. After this happened Abigails jealousy get worse and John keeps getting more and more low-spirited with the agony of the adultery he committed.         Once the trials have Proctor realizes that he buns stop Abigail by precisely confessing to his adultery. If John were to confess his good name would be destroy in this small town and that is something he is not unbidden to do. John Proctor is too much of a regal man is he basis everything on his reputation. This is the main primer he does not pauperism to confess. Proctor tried to switch an elbow grease to bring Abigail down during the witch trials, through the witness of bloody shame Warren, to name Abi! gail a fraud but without bring out his crucial information. When this attempt failed John finally comes out with a generous confession of his adultery. Calling Abigail a whore and evince everybody that he was guilty of adultery. just now its too late. Abigail caused so much trouble that John Proctors confession cant even save him. His confession only leads to his oblige and credendum as a witch. What a terrible good turn in a terrible tragedy for John Proctor.
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        In the end Proctor does redeem himself in a authorized way in which he is offered an opportunity for him to make a common confession of his guilt and be able to live. Proctor, world the honest man th at he is, broke down and sign the confession. But Proctor changes his mind and decides not to sign the confession for the undecomposable fact that his doesnt indirect request to slander his name in the town. Also because he has a word of honor or missy on the way and he doesnt want his son to know what he did and how he destroy his life. But he doesnt sign the confession because he doesnt want to ruin his soul and he doesnt want to set on himself. This once again shows that John Proctor is a very strong man that has congratulate in his honor and his religious life. Although tragic in the end Proctor is real a hero who shows that in death there is strength, integrity, and pride. In the administration of adversity John Proctor basically redeemed himself for his former sins in the face of god. As Elizabeth Proctor put it He gave his goodness now. God command I take it from him! If you want to get a full essay, order it on our websit e:! t

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