Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Pt Kereta Api Indonesia

PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Overview The presence of lines in Indonesia is characterized by cultivation set-back line construction in the liquidation Kemijen, Friday June 17, 1864 by the governor General of the Dutch East Indies, Mr. L.A.J Sloet Baron van take Beele. Development initiated by Naamlooze Venootschap Nederlandsch Spoorweg Indische Maatschappij (NV. NISM) led by Ir. JP de Bordes of Kemijen Responsibility towards the village (26 Km) with a width of 1435 mm gauge. This stretch was undetermined to the subject transport on Saturday, August 10, 1867. The success of private, NV. NISM realise a railroad line between Kemijen - Responsibility, which later on February 10, 1870 to connect the urban center of Semarang - Surakarta (one hundred ten Km), eventually encouraging investors to build a railway system in the other areas. Not surprisingly, when the harvest-home of the length of track between 1864 - 1900 with his growing rapidly. In 1867, sole(prenomin al) 25 km, by 1870 to 110 Km, 405 Km in 1880 achieved in 1890 to 1427 km and in 1900 to 3338 Km.
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In addition to Java, the construction of roads were also construct in Aceh (1874), North Sumatra (1886), West Sumatra (1891), second Sumatra (1914), and even the 1922 Sulawasi also been built along the 47 km railway between Napier - opened for traffic was conducted on July 1, 1923, the rest Ujungpandang - Maros have not been resolved. firearm in Borneo, although it had not been built, the railway studies Pontianak - Sambas (220 km) has been completed. Similarly, in the island of Bali and Lombok, had done their railway development studies. Until 1939, the Indonesian railway length reaches 6811 km. However, in 1950 it was cut to 591! 0 km, approximately 901 Km Iebih lost, presumably dismantled and transported to the Japanese credit line of Burma for the construction of railway there. Type the railway tracks in Indonesia initially distinguished by wide gauge 1067 mm, 750 mm (in Aceh) and 600 mm in roughly branches and cross-city tram. Railway were dismantled during the...If you want to blend in a full essay, order it on our website:

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