Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Reseach Paper on Being a Nurse

Charley Smith 3rd Period Effie Stidham 1984 is a book about totalitarianism. In which The goverement controls e rattling(prenominal) aspect of your look level off when your altogether or in private. Who you can talk and cant talk to, What your loud to give voice, and this type of goverment even trys to control what you think and what you beleive in. George Orwell Wrote 1984 in the late 1940s. What he knew about this was based on the sovit northward in natztion geremy. What orwell was trying to do with 1984 was give all his readers a clear picture of what life would be like if a free county was under totalitarian rule. This book takes place in london and the london in the book is a very depressing place. on that points never enought to eat, the f ar is really nasty, There isnt enough clothes or shoes, or anything to go around. The worst thing is that the government is allways watching everything your doing. There ar posters of big brother everywhere who is suposd ialy the leasder of the goveremnt. Posters avow macroscopic crony Is Watching You & they be thought natural law who stick hidden cameras and microphones everywhere so they can control what you say and your never aloud to turn your tv off. There are tons of things your not aloud to do in this piano of socity like you cant confound close friends. Your not aloud to be in love.
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You cant date or bring on sex with undivided you like. The only way you can have sex is to have childern and the party has to approve it frist and say if its two really pretty people they most likly wont let it happen. If you break these rules the thought police force come and take you away and throw you into a scan out camp and make you work. ! Then they are things you half(a) to do like you have to watch all the programs that comes on the tv (Most are news and some of them you excrise). You have to depend peppiness rallys. There is one that thing is called 2 mintures of dislike and its a daily period in which Party members of the beau monde must watch a film and express their horror for the party. Its...If you wish to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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