Thursday, January 30, 2014


Akenaten The influence Amenhotep IV had on art and religion of his chasten caused him to be one of the most controversial Egyptian pharaohs of all time. The 10th king of the 18th dynasty, he has been called the most noted king to sit on Egypts throne. He has as well earned the honor of being called "the first individual in human history."1 The cult of Aten did develop before his rule, by chance as early as 1411 B.C. It paid court of law to the sun, its rudimentary idea was living on maat, that is, variously translated as "righteousness", "justice", and "truth." The doctrine of this religion failed to bring forward the benediction or support of any but Akhenatens followers. It is verbalize that cult of Aten did not have an ethical code. It revolve about about gratitude towards life the sun for life and warmth. Ankh was life the aim that the sun-disk (Atens ) rays bestowed on man in most of the art. The concourse coul d not pray directly to Aten. They directed ...If you want to see a full essay, order it on our website:

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