Sunday, January 26, 2014


         companionship is one of those magnificently obscure forges that is entirely(a) too familiar to the English language. Like nails to a carpenter, the word seems to be a tool of a trade for motivational speakers and the like. noesis has drive a feel-good buzzword like power, success, justice, and equality. Everyone knows acquaintance is a worthy thing to have, but its meaning is less(prenominal) concrete. Knowledge is defined as familiarity, aw arness, or understanding gained with experience or study. (Morris, W. 1981) Knowledge is non sort of the said(prenominal) thing as intelligence because it requires experience. The classified section of a newspaper is filled with the phrase experience required. Why are businesses looking for experienced workers? Workers with experience are more bankable because they have more experience. They know how to get the job done. Knowledge has been behind every invention and discovery in the drool is man. Everyt hing from the wheel, the light bulb, splitting the atom and even the moon come happened because friendship was applied to get the job done. The word knowledge may seem as positive as a bright sunny day; the pinnacle of a civilised society. Our civilized society isnt perfect, and knowledge isnt without its clouds. The quest for knowledge is not what drives us, as the motivational speakers would have their captive audiences believe. The romantic draw club for discovery does not lead us to knowledge. necessity and bank for better lives drive the quest for knowledge.                  The wheel makes close all machines possible. The earliest wheels date back to ancient Mesopotamia closely 3000 BC to 3500BC. The primitive people of Mesopotamia probably werent planning on qualification the most significant technological development in the taradiddle of the world. Before the modern wheel was invented, large objects were trilled on a series of logs for transport. ! If you want to get a full(a) essay, order it on our website:

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