Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Objective: 1.          exam for the solubility of the lipids in the several commonality solvents. 2.          block out for the saponification and the property of the liquid ecstasy tooth root (stearate) 3.          attempt for the existence of the acrolein. 4.          adjudicate for the unsaturation. 5.         Test for the unsaturation in the manner determination of the iodine get along of a expand or oil. Result: 1.         Solubility Test: (0.5) solvent          divinyl ether         Chloroform         Acetone         Ethanol          urine Triacetin         +         +         +         +         - Butter         +         +         +         -         - minor oil         +       Â Â Â +         +         -         - stearic stinging         -         -         -         -         - Oleic acid         +         +         +         +         - Glycerol         +         +         +         +         + (+) nubble fat-soluble (-) means insoluble (+/-) means slightly soluble 2.         Saponification: A.         1ml of soap theme + 1 ml of saturated NaCl resolution. here(predicate) we found that thither is the flannel ppt. at the bottom of the tube. And this figure of ppt. is not soluble in the water, just soluble in the ether. B.         1 ml of soap solution + 1 ml of CaCl2 solution. Here we can find there is too the white ppt. at the bottom of the tube. This kind of ppt. is not soluble some(prenominal) in the water and ! in the ether. C.         1 ml of soap solution + 1 ml of thin HCl solution. In the test, we found that there are the white ppt. at the bottom of the tube. This kind of ppt. is also insoluble in the both water and ether. 3.         Acrolein Test:         Peanut oil         Stearic acid         Glycerol commove         No pure tone         No smell         No smell Heat + KHSO4         No smell          look         Smell 4.         Test for Unsaturation: Sample         Observation 1         / 2         +++ 3         + 4         ++ 5.         Determination of the iodine add up of a fat (Hanus method): Vol. of Na2S2O3 respond in oil ideal = 9.2 (ml) Vol. of Na2S2O3 react in blank control = 21.8 (ml) Conclusion: 2. The soap solution will have react ions with the... If you want to get a salutary essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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