Tuesday, February 11, 2014


In the 304 BCE, Cleopatras ancestor, Ptolemy I founded the dynasty of the Ptolemies. He was a Macedonian, star of the diadochoi, or successors of horse parsley the Great, and had been a general in his army. vi princesses before her were called Cleopatra. The roughly famed is Cleopatra VII, the last Pharaoh of Egypt. She came to spot at age 15, wed to her brother, Ptolemy XIII, also pharaoh. Cleopatras great grandmother was the lady friend of champion of the kings of Syria. She was Seleucid with Iranian blood. Two potential rivals stood between Cleopatra and the succession, her dickens older sisters, at that time Cleopatra was known as Tryphaeana, which meant the peculiar(prenominal) pleasure searcher. The Ptolemy family had nothing cozy unlike the cause kings on the quite a little; they were torn by intrigues, ambition and jealousy. While Cleopatra was in her junior historic period of time she grew up in the luxury of the royal palace in Alexandra. Cleopatras father ki ng Ptolemy XII, and his six children - Cleopatra, her two older sisters, and junior half sister, and two other half brothers also lived in the palace. Cleopatras mother had died when Cleopatra was very young, and her father had remarried. Each child had a separate apartment; each had his or her servant to play them and educate them (sort of like a nanny). on that point was not such(prenominal) love between the children; they all tried to outshine one another in a race to win the agency of the throne. This fierce competition was encouraged by their servants/guardians for they hoped for a stir of the royal power. Cleopatra was the queen of Egypt, in fact the most illustrious queen of the ancient Greek and Roman world. She was considered beautiful and perfect. in that location have been other great queens in antiquity, that none can... If you want to get a full essay, coif it on our website: OrderE ssay.net

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