Sunday, February 2, 2014

Myths About Grammar

Myth or Fact : Is it wrong to put on prepositions at the determination of a doomA ResearchThis research aims to discuss a particular(a) standard of what are commonly believed to be `grammar myths Long onwards the scientific study of language and the development of linguistics as a discipline schools and universities taught what is now known as prescriptive grammar normative grammar is not exactly grammar as we know it today - i .e . rules of communicate language - but rather could be viewed as a list of do s and don ts a prescription(prenominal) for proper conference both oral and written , base on LatinThesisThe wassail aims to debunk the grammar myth that Prepositions should not hap at the devastation of a sentenceA preposition describes a relationship amongst other give voices in a sentence . It lit whilelly mea ns position to begin with and is also known as a `positioning word An English clergyman , Robert Lowth , wrote the beginning grammar book saying a preposition (or positioning word , e .g . at , by for , into , clear up , on , out , all over , to , under , up , with ) should not be placed at the end of a sentence , and since the 18th century , grammarians choose upheld this image . only , a review of English constitutions would reveal that whole kit and caboodle from Chaucer to Shakespeare to Milton is filled with sentences ending with prepositionsIn the contemporary era , such a rule has been questioned by modern grammariansThis was belike due to a desire to mark their earlier generation misguided flak to model good English grammar on Latin . What real happens is that when people attempt to rewrite a sentence and raise to avoid placing a preposition in the net position in the sentence , it becomes stilted . This is cleverly illustrated in a renowned anecdote r ough Sir Winston Churchill : Confronted by a! n editor program who changed his writing to avoid putting a preposition in the sentence s closing position , Churchill reportedly answered This is the sort of English up with which I cannot putProblematic Prepositions : Some ExamplesThe following examples illustrate how ambiguous and moot the use of prepositions could prove to beIn put Use of prepositions such asI get hold of no idea where the fair is atThe proper form would have been : I have no idea where the fair isWhat did you go to the shop heart and soul forThe correct form would have been :Why did you go to the shop mallHowever , there are some cases wherein the use of prepositions at the end of a sentence proves to be the more `grammatically correct optionThere was great business about what the weapon would be utilise forThis sounds more elegant than There was great concern about for what would the weapon be usedI wish I knew which powder inventory Michael s photograph appeared inThe sentence above appears more grammatically correct than I wish I knew in which magazine Michael s turn in appearedAccording to the ExpertsEven the experts do not seem to agree on...If you want to entering a full essay, order it on our website:

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