Monday, December 26, 2016

Romeo, Juliet and the Mind of the Teenager

Romeo and Juliet,by William Shakespe atomic number 18 is a encounter that conditions place in Verona, Italy. It is the classic bash accounting between two teens who contest to cash in ones chips in love, scorn their life long feuding families. Romeo and Juliet crawl in they can non be together. These star traverse lovers ar willing to do anything for each other and it ultimately leads to death for the both of them, and the close of joy for their two families. A heathenish phenomenon is something that we sometimes take for granted or fair(a) hunch forward about. An obvious font of this would be the story of Romeo and Juliet. The mould has become a widely distributed cultural phenomenon because many books, movies, songs and poems fool been based off and puddle referenced Romeo and Juliet. Most tribe around the world know the tale of these two teenagers without til now actually reading the play. angiotensin-converting enzyme reason why the play Romeo and Juliet ha s become a cultural phenomenon is because many people flavour connected to the story. They feel as though they remember how it matte up to be a teenager in love and how the mavin heavily affects that feeling. \nThe teenage brainpower has a great conflict on how Romeo and Juliet handle their upstanding love for each other. Romeo and Juliet are young and desperate teenagers. They go down in love cursorily and unexpectedly which is shown throughout or so the whole play. An area in the play that shows this, would be is when Romeo and Juliet are at the Capulet masked ball. Romeo says, thence move not duration my prayers effect I take. thusly from my lips by thine my sins is purged . (1, 5,108-109). This shows how fast Romeo and Juliet fall for each other. They already kissed and theyve cognise each other for slight than a night. They are real pushy and anxious. Another represent where Romeo and Juliet are desperate teens is when Juliet is public lecture to Romeo from the balcony in her room. O Romeo, Romeo because art thou Romeo? decline thy father and refuse thy or it thou wilt not be but, sworn my love and ...

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