Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ascpects of Power in The Odyssey

Immense supply is acquired by assuring yourself in your secret reveries that you were born to control.\n- Andrew Carnegie \n\nPower was a big part of Hellenic culture which can be clearly seen in The Odyssey. The view of absolute power is employ by is lend aneselfd by Odysseus to regain his affable standing, Poseidon to raise his authority, and Helios to leaven that he shall non be disrespected. Late in spite of appearance the epic, Odysseus uses power to regain his social standing. When arriving back in Ithaca, Odysseus disc everywheres that his family has been taken over by suitors who aim to marry Penelope. enrage Odysseus exhausts all of the suitors to immortalize he is the unity true baron of Ithaca. The land Odysseus had to kill the suitors is to turn out he is a no nonsense guy, to show he is still strong. Odysseus also had to go big with his return because most Greeks might think that he is weak and cant control Ithaca because he allowed a group of suito rs to provoke and to an extent take over the kingdom, this would example while he also killed the maids. Odysseus needs to show his is the absolute ruler and that he has absolute power, because history has shown that whenever a weak leader arises the Greeks be quick to act on and attack. Not only does Odysseus use power as a means to further his agendum but Poseidon does as well.\nPoseidon uses his power to show that he is a force to be reck hotshotd with. In The Odyssey Odysseus angers Poseidon by blinding one of his Cyclops children. In the magisterial scheme of things the blinding of one of his many children shouldnt matter to Poseidon, in particular since many of his children rescue died. Also, Poseidon is one of the big three and should have other things to do than bother over something that should be downstairs him. The only rational description is that Poseidon uses it as a reason to show his authority and power. This is show in when he tries to kill Odysseus, he nev er succeeds and this is because if Odysseus was cold he would lose his exc...

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