Thursday, January 26, 2017

Symptoms and Treatment of Caffeine Addiction

Abstract\n dependency is said to be a condition that occurs when a somebody a takes substance, either beingness alcohol, nicotine, tobacco or cocain or engages in an performance such(prenominal) as gambling, wind or shopping that stinker be pleasurable; only the continued use of which becomes imperative and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities such as school, work, relationships and ones wellness (Psychology today, 2014). It is known to be chronic diseases with genetic, psychological, social and ghostlike aspects (, 2013).Persons who are addicts normally collapse a point in their lives where it is very hard for them to restrict their addictions. There are umteen types of addiction. This paper focuses on caffeine Addiction and the main inclination is to get a versed understanding about what is caffeine, the offshoot of caffeine on the brain, the health benefits of caffeine addiction, signs and symptoms, withdrawal symptoms and the executable ways you stomach diplomacy the addiction.\n\nWhat is caffeine Addiction?\nFirstly, onwards cognise what caffeine addiction is, we need to be known about what caffeine entails. Caffeine is a naturally occurring chemical substance stimulant called trimethylxanthine(Brain,Bryant,Cunningham,2014). It is said to be present in the leaves, seeds or fruit of more than threescore plant species, including:\n- Tea leaves-seed\n- goora nut nuts-seed\n- Cocao beans-seed\n- Guarana- seed\n- Yerba mate-leaf ( Medical news program Today, 2014)\nAround ninety pct of persons use caffeine in one form or the another(prenominal) without even knowing it( Mandal, 2014).Caffeine may be set in tea, coffee ,chocolate and it may be added to some foods ,prescription and over the counter medicines to treat tiredness, drowsiness and help to relieve pain in the ass (Goodwin,2014). When this substance is purified, the caffeine is in powder form, and then it is added to farm colas and soft drinks. Some oth er things that the powder form can be found in is, sport beverages and energy drinks (Medica...

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