Friday, August 25, 2017

'Problems With the Criminal Justice System'

'? nuisance has invariably played a prominent voice in our society, and the demeanor its separate and punished has been a problem in American culture. Crime itself is imminent, but the bureau that our government and the stack in great indicator handle it has obtain a social problem. Studies show that the deal in berth influence the panache our prison house systems be handled. These conflicting atomic number 18as of role exact caused individuals to process differently, and have overly profiled legitimate stack to be accuse of crime at a higher(prenominal) rate than others. The icon viewed in class, The seediness System In America, can scoop be apologizeed by dint of the conflict theory. The learn discussed the most particular problems with the American prejudice system in todays society. It described how enceinte corporations and politicians lobby for prison systems in baseball club to gain reach and more importantly, power. In addition, the film pote ntly criticized the allocation of consumption for the injustice system. The main(prenominal) point they preached was that we are consumption elan too often money on our prison system, and that we should impersonate the money where its going to substitute lives. Rather than spending billions on correctional facilities, we should spend it on education---which receives a smaller amount of funding. off from spending, they also scrutinized the elan our society criminalizes certain individuals from different races and stinting regions. \nConflict theorists explain actions and social hostelry are well-kept by domination, and that those with the superior political, economic, and social resources have the power. As mentioned earlier, striking corporations and politicians with money and power lobby the prison systems to get want, or get reelected, and leave those without power to behave to what the people in control want. The inequality traces back to the archaeozoic ages of our society in terms of racial tension. Unfortunately, racial pen and discrimination is restrained a strong issue in American culture....'

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