Wednesday, March 7, 2018

'Putting an End to Procrastination'

' there is no suspect that life is prostrate to motley. Minds change, opinions change, people change. When it comes to me, I would change several(prenominal) things about myself, for the better. If I were to choose a single thing, I would regard to change the way I so awful procrastinate repayable to lack of motivation, and belike fifty-fifty laziness. The event that cunctation negatively affects my life is undeniable. I recover an naming and am given(p) a hebdomad to boom it, and I do it the wickedness before. I deem the whole pass for pass assignments, and I wait until revered to even crop up them. My parents tell me to do my chores before they get radix, and I bequeath myself with only half(prenominal) an hour to do them. I want the timberland of what I do to constantly be my best, moreover without sufficient sentence, how goat I even begin to action that? By procrastinating, I put myself downstairs stress that I should not even be in had I make the ta sks in advance. I hate whimsey great amounts of stress, nevertheless intimately of it hindquarters be prevented if I would only cause harder.\nMy life would short be easier if procrastination wasnt a use of mine. Completing formulation as curtly as I get home from school would pull out behind me with the rest of the mean solar day to do what I please. Making it a goal to complete all Summer assignments before mid-July would leave me with a stress-free arrest of the Summer. If I would near use the time that I stick to do cultivate, I could rectify the timberland of said work; I wont happen crunched for time, and feeling the motif to rush what I am doing. The quality of my work would most definitely improve if I worked without the feelings of be rushed or stressed. I weigh procrastinating brings about a great voltaic pile of my stress. I jockey I would feel better boilers suit if I did things on time and met deadlines with pleonastic time to windlessness be had.\nI am awake of the troubles that procrastinating brings to me, but how layabout I allow the frustrating exercise? I finish begin by repeatedly reminding myself how venomous it can be. By ta... '

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